Category Archives: Healing

“You say what is in that cough syrup!?!…& a recipe for ‘KATIE’S COUGH ELIXIR’.”

♥Hi Friends!

I haven’t been as present on my blog the last couple of months, really the last 6-8 months.  I’ve been doing a lot of HEALING.  Like the last 10% from a lifetime of SPIRITUAL, PHYSICAL and EMOTIONAL dis-ease.  And sometimes crossing the finish line can make you sprint harder and leave you more out of breath than the previous 90% of the race did. Continue reading “You say what is in that cough syrup!?!…& a recipe for ‘KATIE’S COUGH ELIXIR’.”

“My thoughts on Global Warming…& a recipe for ‘GRANDMA KATIE’S SPOT REMOVER’.”

♥Hi Friends!

Just a little update on my lilacs from one of my previous posts. I have three of these little bundles on my small but growing bush.  I didn’t get a pic when they were at their finest but this is what they looked like today!  And just in time for ‘Earth Day’! Continue reading “My thoughts on Global Warming…& a recipe for ‘GRANDMA KATIE’S SPOT REMOVER’.”

“Don’t Feed Cancer!…& a recipe for ‘Tomato Basil Crockpot Pasta Sauce’ & ‘Kidney Beans & Pasta’.”

♥Hi Friends!

Did you know that the decisions you make every day in the things you put in your mouth and on your body, clean your home with, and spray in your yard, can feed or starve cancer?  And really, feed or starve all disease.  And that goes for all the other PHYSICALSPIRITUAL and EMOTIONAL things we bring in to our lives, or experience through or from others and our environments.  Disease can literally be turned on and turned off! Continue reading “Don’t Feed Cancer!…& a recipe for ‘Tomato Basil Crockpot Pasta Sauce’ & ‘Kidney Beans & Pasta’.”

“Let’s get rid of the inflammation!…& ‘Red Quinoa Breakfast Hash’.”

♥Hi Friends!

Wow!  It’s getting beautiful outside huh!?!  A little bit of snow here and there, but it’s warming up!!!  I hope you’re starting to venture out to get your Sun and Earth!  And look what I found in my backyard!!!!!! Continue reading “Let’s get rid of the inflammation!…& ‘Red Quinoa Breakfast Hash’.”

“Lemon Magic…& a recipe for ‘Lemon Ginger Tea’.”

♥Hi Friends!

The way you start out your morning can make a big difference in how well you feel, perform and HEAL the rest of the day.  Since your body has been in a state of fasting from sleeping all night, a couple of little habits can help put a spring in your step and prepare your body (make it a clean slate if you will) for everything that will be sure to come your way! Continue reading “Lemon Magic…& a recipe for ‘Lemon Ginger Tea’.”

“Patience is a Virtue…& a recipe for “Grandma Katie’s Red Lentil Stew’.”

♥Hi Friends!

From what I can gather through a Google search, the first known publishing of the quote “Patience is a Virtue” was from a poem written between 1360 and 1387.  And according to scripture it would seem that Cain struggled with it clear back at the beginning, so it appears to have been a problem for a very long time! Continue reading “Patience is a Virtue…& a recipe for “Grandma Katie’s Red Lentil Stew’.”

“It’s my one vice!…& a recipe for ‘Green Power Smoothie’.”

♥Hi Friends!

I’ve had some thoughts on my mind recently and they start with a question and it’s this, “How many times have you heard (or said) the words ‘It’s my one vice’ when someone speaks about a Diet Coke or Dr. Pepper or any carbonated beverage?”  It often comes with a defiant, rebellious, even proud tone.  I mean we should at least be willing to recognize and call it what it really is.  An addiction.   Continue reading “It’s my one vice!…& a recipe for ‘Green Power Smoothie’.”

“HEALING with Mother Nature: Part 2-EARTH…& a recipe for ‘Mango Pineapple Smoothie or Popsicles’.”

♥Hi Friends!

Mother Nature and the gifts Heavenly Father has blessed her with are awesome and amazing!  The more I learn about the nature of His HEALING power, I appreciate more and more all the resources around me, that He has created, that HEAL and bless me and those I love.  This post (Earth), and my last (Sun), are about two of His big ones! Continue reading “HEALING with Mother Nature: Part 2-EARTH…& a recipe for ‘Mango Pineapple Smoothie or Popsicles’.”