“How about acid balance!?…& a recipe for ‘Food For Your Face: Toning’.”

♥Hi Friends!

Let’s start with a quick little lesson on pH.  In words I can wrap my brain around, pH is the measurement of how acidic or alkaline something is, using a scale with 14 being more alkaline and 0 more acidic.  While our blood is healthier at a more neutral measurement, around 7, our skin prefers a slightly more acid balance, around 5.5.  It’s made that way to help protect it from germs, viruses and the environment.

We tend to think of toners as something that returns our skin to its acid balance, restoring it to where it was before cleansing.  But truly ALL our skin care ingredients should be aimed at keeping our skin at its happiest pH.  The following are three great food for your face toners aimed at just that, and are good for all skin types.

♥ALOE VERA WATER:  This is the most mild and soothing of the three toners I’ve listed and the one I use the most.  Because it is distilled (to give it a longer shelf life and to keep it from needing refrigeration) it is a little more alkaline than the plant itself.  Therefore I add some citrus essential oil to give it an acidic kick and to feed my face with a good dose of vitamin C.  Vitamin C helps collagen production.  Collagen gives our skin elasticity and tends to decrease as we age.  Hence the wrinkles as we become “more mature”.  

♥RAW APPLE CIDER VINEGAR:  The benefit of using this is that it’s raw and feeds your face in a way the other two don’t.  The down side is that is stinks to high heaven and because of that I prefer not to use it.  My daughter is fine with the smell and uses both raw apple cider vinegar and aloe vera water, to give her skin a little variety.  One in the morning and one at night.  Raw ACV is good for acne.

♥WITCH HAZEL WATER:  This comes from the Witch Hazel plant.  Although it is distilled, it is less alkaline than the ALOE VERA WATER and therefore doesn’t need citrus essential oils added to it.  I like to use this one too, for a little variety.  It also helps with acne.

Which one is right for you?  It doesn’t matter too much but try this.  Clear your mind and don’t think (which is REALLY hard for me).  Now quickly ask yourself a specific question like “which one of these 3 toners is best for my skin?”  What’s the first thing to pop in to your head?  It might take a little practice for you to listen and to hear but guess what?  That’s your BODY talking to your MIND letting it know what’s best for it.  SPIRIT, BODY, MIND connection!  Sweeeeet!  LOVE it!  SUPER cool!

So learn to think of the role of a toner differently.  When we take care of our skin naturally, using HEALING ingredients God created (like ‘GREEN SMOOTHIE’, raw honey, essential oils), it leaves the normal cycle of oil production in tack and therefore the skin stays at its acid balance.  Then, there is no need to ‘tone’ or ‘balance’ it.  Only ‘freshen’ and ‘feed’ it even more!  Next post we’re talking moisturizing.

♥Love you!



  • 1  50 ml glass spray bottle*
  • Fill the spray bottle with one of the following three**
    • George’s Always Active Aloe Vera*** and 10 drops of any citrus essential oil****
    • Bragg Organic Raw-Unfiltered Apple Cider Vinegar*****
    • T.N. Dickinson’s Witch Hazel******

If using Aloe and essential oil, pour Aloe Vera Water in bottle first in case it overflows because it’s darn hard to see through the bottle while you pour it in.  Then put 10 drops of essential oil in and replace sprayer.  I always shake it before I spritz it on my face although I don’t think it really matters.  Then, although there’s really no need, I spray some on a cotton square (or round) and smooth over my face.

*I get mine from Butterfly Express and you can too by clicking here and scrolling down to where it says “Violet Glass Spray Bottle-50 ml”.

**If using Raw ACV or Witch Hazel you can leave it in its original container for ease and just use the cotton square.

***I get mine locally at Bountiful Nutrition, in a gallon size for all of us in my house that use it.  You can order it here from Vitacost in all sorts of sizes.

****Any high quality citrus oil like lemon, grapefruit, orange, or my favorite one for this (’cause it smells so darn HEALING and good) is doTerra’s Citrus Bliss. 

*****I have a gallon size ’cause I use it to cook with.  You can get it at any health food type store.  In Utah you can find it at Good Earth, Whole Foods, Smith’s and I’ve heard it’s even at Walmart now.  Always remember to shake the Raw ACV before using.  A lot of the good-for-you stuff settles to the bottom.

******I like this brand of Witch Hazel.  It seems to be a better quality than others.  I got mine at Walmart or you can order it online here from Walmart or here on Amazon (although for a lot more).

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 (Click on picture to enlarge.)

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