My name is Katie Sue and I live in the beautiful state of Utah, in a cute little town just north of Salt Lake City.  I’m a wife, mother to 5 awesome kids (2 girls first, then 2 boys, topped off with another girl), mother to 2 wonderful son-in-laws, and grandmother to 3 (which is the icing on the cake!)

Around 6 years ago at my yearly medical check up, the doctor looked at my blood tests and announced to me that my cholesterol was high and I would need to start taking medication for it.  Along with MANY other health issues, I was already on blood pressure meds that I had been on since about the age of 27, as well as thyroid meds from the previous year when I had half my thyroid removed a few days before my 40th birthday (on account of a large nodule that had grown there).  She said there was “nothing” I could do, that these three issues were genetic and often seen together, and I would be on these medications the rest of my life.

“Nothing” I could do.  No options?  Really?  There in the doctor’s office I started getting mad.  Really mad.  I declined the offer for the prescription and went home and started looking on the internet for ways to lower my cholesterol without the use of drugs.  As a family, we had already started down a path towards a more integrative approach to HEALING because of some chronic health issues one of the children had been wrestling with for years and which western medicine didn’t help.  But that word “nothing”, along with help from the Lord, and my #1 (a daughter) and close friends who had already started changing their diet, directed me even further in to researching the affects of food on our HEALTH.  It put the last piece of the puzzle together for me and firmly planted my feet on the path to HEALING my SPIRIT, BODY and MIND.

I am no longer on any medications and my vision continues to improve as the three degenerative eye diseases I’ve had since my youth are reversing.  And these are just the big issues.  There are also a myriad of small and large SPIRITUAL, PHYSICAL and EMOTIONAL issues that have and continue to HEAL.  The change in our home has been miraculous and I truly believe that.  I do not claim to be an expert, nor do I profess to have all the answers.  But I feel very passionate about and love learning ways to empower and HEAL my family, whether it’s SPIRITUALLYPHYSICALLY or EMOTIONALLY.    I invite all on this journey!

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