“The Tale of My Happy Bladder!…& a recipe for ‘PB&H Bites’.”

♥Hi Friends!

It’s probably been at least 10 years, but most likely more, when at my yearly physical, my OB/GYN asked me if I had a prolapsed bladder.  Apparently I didn’t understand the question because I answered, “I don’t know.  I don’t think so.”  She then asked me if it ever gave me problems to which I replied, “Only when I run.”  She then proceeded with my exam at which time she assured me that I did indeed have a prolapsed bladder.  Lucky me!  Continue reading “The Tale of My Happy Bladder!…& a recipe for ‘PB&H Bites’.”

“There is hope in healing!…& a recipe for ‘Berry Freezer Jam’.”

♥Hi Friends!

“There is hope in HEALING.”  One day, not too long ago, as I was out laying on my grass doing the sun/earth hippie thing, those words popped in to my mind.  And I’m pretty sure I know where they came from.  (Thanks Father!)  So I got up, ran in to the house, and started typing some thoughts on my computer. Continue reading “There is hope in healing!…& a recipe for ‘Berry Freezer Jam’.”

“Happy Hydrating…& a recipe for ‘Food For Your Face: Moisturizing’.”

♥Hi Friends!

Guess what I use for my moisturizer now, and what many of the organic, green (and might I add expensive) skin care lines use?  OIL!  OIL, OIL, OIL!  And do you want to know something else?  It’s not the scary monster we’ve come to think of it as.  It’s actually quite HEALING.  And it makes skin happy! Continue reading “Happy Hydrating…& a recipe for ‘Food For Your Face: Moisturizing’.”