“Healing…& a recipe for ‘Salmon Dinner Salad with Maple Vinaigrette’.”

♥Hi Friends!

In her talk “Learning the Healer’s Art” Elaine S. Marshall says “Healing is a process of restoring and becoming whole.”  And if you ask me not only is it a life long process, but it’s also an eternal one.  Especially when you think of it in terms of learning and growing.

As I sit at the computer these thoughts, feelings and words come pouring in to my heart and mind.  “Healing is…moving forward, moving upward, changing, finding our organic or authentic self, imperfection, becoming more like the Father, learning who we are, learning Whose we are, becoming more like the Savior, atoning, Atonement, eating an elephant, learning, progressing, overwhelming, hurting, changing, feeling remorse, repenting, forgiving, painful, tears, joyful, PURE JOY!, happiness, peace.”

I think everybody has figured out that some times (or most times) HEALING is hard (and sometimes really, really, really, REALLY hard.)  But don’t be afraid of it (because we know where fear comes from.)  As you move forward and let go of SPIRITUAL, PHYSICAL or EMOTIONAL toxins (we’ll talk about toxins in a few posts), you will hurt.  Or at the very least be uncomfortable.  And more often than not, in more than one area (SPIRITUAL/PHYSICAL/EMOTIONAL) at the same time.

I tend to be an optimist, which in some ways can really mess with your mind.  One of my biggest “AH HA!” or “light bulb” moments was when I realized it was “okay not to be okay” (makes me sound so philosophical!)  It was empowering.  For a really long time (like the first 3 1/2 decades of my life) I was somehow mistaken that there was something wrong with NOT being okay.  HA!  Silly me!  How did I miss the whole point of the “Purpose of Life” lesson in Sunday School for so many years?  That’s what we’re here for and that’s how we grow, when we’re NOT okay.  And I guess the optimist in me kicked back in because the more I thought about, the more I LIKED not being okay.  And I embraced it!  Because no matter how crappy it was going through it, when I came out on the other side, the insights, blessings and growth were AMAZING and definitely worth it.

Healing teaches us patience, if we let it.  Patience is definitely NOT one of my most developed qualities.  But I’m evolving and getting better at it.  I have learned that when I align my timetable to the Lord’s timetable, everything really does turn out all right in the end.  It helps when I look for the lessons and blessings in the midst of it all.  Even if it’s not what I think it should look like , because it’s His idea, it really does turn out to be exactly what I wanted all along, because I have peace.  And that’s really what we want anyway.  I’m pretty sure we’re here to learn that too!

In her book “The Body Ecology Diet”, Donna Gates has this to say, “A new approach to healing would understand that we are first and foremost, spiritual beings, not machine-like bodies that break down, wear out, or become vulnerable to attacks from strange viruses and bacteria.  What appear to be suffering, pain, or adversity are really necessary lessons and challenges placed before us to help us grow.  And with the guidance and protection that is always there as well, we have a greater opportunity to grow into powerful god-like beings-bright, loving, positive beings who can become powerful creators or our own bodies…and of our own world.”

WOW! Awesome.

So move forward with confidence (which still doesn’t mean it won’t be hard)!  Confidence and faith that the Lord has your back.  Everything about His amazing plan is HEALING!  And Christ’s Atonement has made HEALING possible.  Good stuff Friends.

Remember how to eat an elephant!

♥Love you!


This sounds fancy but it whips up quick and with the combination of foods, it’s AMAZINGLY HEALTHY for you.  And, Holy Cow, it’s a YUMMY one!  It’s great for dinner with a good whole grain bread, or omit the salmon for a light lunch.  Sometimes I just do greens, apples, pecans and dressing for quick and easy.  If you need to take a salad to a party, omit the salmon and make a big bowl of it.  Any way you eat it, it’s deeeeeelish!


  • salmon fillets (About 1 fillet per 2 people.  Think condiment size amount, not entrée.  I buy the frozen ones at Costco that say “Fresh Atlantic Salmon”.)
  • green leaf lettuce
  • apples (I like Fuji for this recipe.)
  • red onion
  • goat cheese (I buy the 2 pack logs at Costco)
  • raw pecans

In a little avocado oil (or EVOO) fry salmon fillets, breaking apart while cooking.  Salt with garlic salt to taste.  Wash, dry and tear lettuce in to little pieces.  Cut, core and cube apples (saving the stem, core and seeds in the freezer for Smoothies.)  Slice onion.  On individual plates arrange lettuce, salmon, apples and onion.  Sprinkle some goat cheese crumbles on top and toss on some raw pecans.  Drizzle with MAPLE VINAIGRETTE.

Maple Vinaigrette

For those interested, this is one of the two salad dressings we served  at our women’s conference.  I love sweet and savory and simple.  I was able to whip up this dressing one day that satisfies all three.  The pure maple syrup and the  balsamic vinegar complement each other rather nicely.

  • 1 part balsamic vinegar
  • 1 part avocado oil (Costco) or EVOO (extra virgin olive oil)
  • 1 part pure maple syrup (Costco)
  • salt to taste

Blend together and enjoy!  This will last 5 days refrigerated and 3 days not.  If you do store it in the fridge, take out an hour before use so you can mix it up.

hint:  I bought the plastic shaker bottles at Target.  The ones to mix up protein drinks in, that have the little wire ball in them so they work GREAT for salad dressings.

2 thoughts on ““Healing…& a recipe for ‘Salmon Dinner Salad with Maple Vinaigrette’.””

  1. Loved these thoughts, Katie. Thanks for sharing! And thank you for the salad recipe. Carie brought us dinner while we were recovering and she included a salad with your delicious maple dressing. YUM!

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