“Moving forward…& a recipe for ‘Kermit Shake’.”

♥Hi Friends!

In reference to HEALING, what does ‘moving forward” mean to you?  Depending on where you are in the HEALING process, after reading this post some of you may identify with what it use to mean to me, about 10 years ago, when I was unaware of how bad my HEALTH was.  Satan had done a good job of slowing me down and making me less effective at doing the things my Heavenly Father had in store for me.

I married one of the Energizer Bunnies.  He mentioned to me once how he wished he didn’t need sleep so he could get more done.  Outwardly I listened and gave him a supportive smile.  Inwardly, I’m thinking things like “That’s so cute.  It sounds just like him” (because we’d been married long enough for me to love and appreciate the things about him that made me crazy early on!)  And “Really?  Don’t you want to sit down and eat some chocolate?”  And “Hmmmm…whatever.”  And “I don’t identify with that statement AT ALL!”  (Actually, I may have said that last statement out loud.)  Marrying my complete opposite has been one of my greatest blessings.  We’ve learned (and continue to learn) a lot from each other, just like the Lord intends.  Here’s two things he’s taught me about moving forward that I’ve come to truly appreciate.

1♥  Just do SOMETHING and you’ll feel better!  I guess it made sense to me at the time when he would say this.  And I did feel good when I would “do something”.  But when you’re sick, in any MIND/BODY/SPIRIT area (but usually all three because unlike Las Vegas, what happens in one area doesn’t stay in one area), it’s hard for things to find a path from your brain to your heart.

In his book “Eat to Live” (a great resource on the healing power of food), Dr. Joel Fuhrman says that most people find success in changing their diet using the “cold turkey” approach (or something along the lines of “cold turkey”.)  If at the time I first started changing our diet, I had been given a death sentence (like cancer) or any other debilitating diagnosis, knowing what I know now, I would definitely do it “cold turkey”.  (And in some ways I tried it but had little success.)  I have found that doesn’t work for me.  Especially if I’m trying to help those around me change, then all I’m doing is setting myself up for disappointment.

My suggestion to “do something” isn’t anything we haven’t heard before, but I like the simplicity of it.  Buy a notebook that makes you happy (something pretty or fun) and entitle it your “My ‘Do Something’ Healing Journal”.  Actually, I like “My ‘Doing Something’ Healing Journal” better because “doing” speaks of action and sounds like you already are!  Divide it in to thirds and on the top of the first page in each section write the word SPIRIT on the first, BODY on the second, and MIND on the third.  Then pray for help and inspiration and start writing the goals or thoughts that come to your mind under each section.  Only start with ONE thing in each area and make it a habit.  If that’s too overwhelming right now, start with ONE thing period!  At least you’re “doing something”.

On his website, James Clear’s article entitled “How Long Does it Actually Take to Form a New Habit? (Backed By Science)”, sites a study by Phillippa Lally, a health psychology researcher at the University of London.  She found that it takes on average 66 days to create a habit.  But it ranges anywhere from 18-254.  Keep that in mind and don’t feel discouraged if it takes a while.  I’m pretty sure “discouragement” is one of Satan’s tools!  And, if you need to put one of those things you’re working on to the side for a while and choose something else, that’s great!

The great religious leader Gordon B. Hinckley lived to the age of 97, and to many is an AMAZING example of moving forward.  Among the many things he has said is “Try a little harder to be a little better” and “You have not failed until you quit trying”.  There’s nothing discouraging or overwhelming about those words (especially ‘little’), only hope and empowerment!

2♥  Don’t let perfection be the enemy of the good.  Basically, don’t get so overwhelmed with all you have to do and (even worse) feeling like you need to do it perfectly, that you don’t accomplish anything.  I’m quite emotional and tend to feel things deeply (whether happy, sad, mad, spiritual, etc. etc.)  And when I was really sick (and didn’t know it) I would get overwhelmed easily with all that I had to do, all that I needed to be, and all that I wasn’t.  Then my brain would hurt and I’d get a brain cramp (that silly brain of mine again) and I would just shut down and underperform in pretty much every area of my life.  I’m not saying that I don’t get overwhelmed anymore or that life isn’t crazy (it gets crazier by the minute!)  But I am grateful every day that I now have the energy to get done what I need to (most of the time) even when stretched to my limit.  Again, use your “My ‘Doing Something’ Healing Journal”, CUT YOURSELF SOME SLACK, and move forward!

One final thought from Gordon B. Hinckley, “Get on your knees and pray, then get on your feet and work.”  And remember that it takes one bite at a time!

♥Love you!


Every time I create a new post, I get a little stressed trying to decide what YUMMY and HEALING recipe to share next.  There’s just so many!  We named this healthy version of a chocolate shake after “The Frog” (as Miss Piggy so fondly refers to him) because of the spinach in it that you can’t even taste.  And sometimes, depending on how much of it you add it can resemble a brownish frog color!  This sweet treat took some tweaking but I found the right foods and the right combination that my family enjoys, while giving them some of the “good fats” that we all need.  You THINK you’re eating something that’s not good for you but when you drink it you don’t FEEL like you’re eating something that’s not good for you.  HA!


  • 3 cups almond milk (or any nut milk)
  • handful of spinach
  • 2 large frozen bananas*
  • 4 medjool dates (pits removed)
  • 1/4 cup raw cacao or cocoa powder
  • 1 tsp pure vanilla
  • 1/4 cup raw almonds, pecans or cashews
  • 2 heaping Tbsp peanut butter (I buy the organic at Costco.)
  • 1/4 cup pure maple syrup
  • 1/4 tsp salt
  • ice

Place all the ingredients but bananas and ice in a high powered blender.  REMEMBER to take the pits out of the dates or it’s not pretty (I know from experience!)  Blend on high for 30 seconds.  Through the hole in the lid add bananas and then continue adding ice until it thickens to desired consistency.  YUM!  This makes an entire Vitamix container full.

*If you forget to freeze bananas, add them at the beginning, cut back the nut milk to 2 1/2 cups, and add more ice.

(Note:  If you have gall bladder or digestive issues, start with a small cup.   Now that mine has healed, I can drink more.)

2 thoughts on ““Moving forward…& a recipe for ‘Kermit Shake’.””

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