Category Archives: Recipes

“Looking up!…& a recipe for ‘Open-Face Toasted Tomato & Cheese’.”

♥Hi Friends!

My #3 has been serving a mission for our church for just over a year now, in and around St. Louis, Missouri.  Since he was a little guy he’s wanted to serve a two year mission, sacrificing his time with family and friends, school, music and media, girls, and even sleep, and will be returning home at the end of June next year.  Continue reading “Looking up!…& a recipe for ‘Open-Face Toasted Tomato & Cheese’.”

“What’s so Great About Raw, and Other Insights on Food…& a recipe for ‘Bruschetta Pasta’.”

♥Hi Friends!

A few months ago our church hosted a women’s conference in our area.  As a committee planning this conference, our goal was to provide HEALTHY living ideas for SPIRIT, BODY and MIND.  One of the wonderful women on our committee, along with her husband, owns a HEALTH food store in our area.  During one of our planning meetings he came along to add his insights.  And he brought up a really good point that when you think about, seems quite ridiculous but absolutely true! Continue reading “What’s so Great About Raw, and Other Insights on Food…& a recipe for ‘Bruschetta Pasta’.”

“Yoga HEALS…& a recipe for ‘Strawberry Lemonade Popsicles or Sorbet’.”

♥Hi Friends!

I have to say, this post is about something that I’m a real newbie at.  But something for a long time now that has spoken to my SPIRIT, my BODY and my MIND.  It’s yoga.  Stay with me now!  Over the last few years I’ve come to identify myself as a ‘conservative hippie’.  And all that really means to me is that I’m a daughter of God who desires to love and serve my family and others, while showing righteous stewardship for all that God has created, with respect and reverence. Continue reading “Yoga HEALS…& a recipe for ‘Strawberry Lemonade Popsicles or Sorbet’.”

“Why do SPIRITUAL practices HEAL?…& a recipe for ‘Katie’s Armpit Paste’.”

♥Hi Friends!

Why do SPIRITUAL practices HEAL us SPIRITUALLY, PHSICALLY and EMOTIONALLY?  You know, things like prayer, scripture study, and accessing the Atonement through repentance and forgiveness.  I’ve been thinking about that question a lot lately and I have a couple of ideas/answers I’d like to share. Continue reading “Why do SPIRITUAL practices HEAL?…& a recipe for ‘Katie’s Armpit Paste’.”

“My Journey to Total Dependence…& a recipe for ‘Easy Pasta’.”

♥Hi Friends!

I want to tell you about my journey from dependence (on toxins from medications, food, and UNHEALTHY emotional thought patterns) to independence from them, which lead me to recognize my need for total dependence on my Heavenly Father, for all answers (SPIRITUAL, PHYSICAL and EMOTIONAL) that would help me HEAL from the aforementioned dependence.  (Did that make sense?  I hope I haven’t lost anyone yet!)  After all, all light, truth and HEALING comes from Him. Continue reading “My Journey to Total Dependence…& a recipe for ‘Easy Pasta’.”

“Our Attitude with Food…& a recipe for ‘Yogurt Berry Smoothie or Popsicles’.”

♥Hi Friends!

Food has come to mean something completely different to me than it once did.  My mother says that as a child I use to get really nervous if I thought there wasn’t going to be enough for myself of what was being served at the table.  Not in a “third-world-country-I-never-eat” kind of way.  But a “completely-selfish-I-love-food-and-have-no-self-control-and-someone-is-going-to-eat-my-food” kind of way.  We all know someone like that.  Maybe it’s you.  Or like me, it’s you and some of your children!  And I think therein lies a huge societal problem. Continue reading “Our Attitude with Food…& a recipe for ‘Yogurt Berry Smoothie or Popsicles’.”

“The Tale of My Happy Bladder!…& a recipe for ‘PB&H Bites’.”

♥Hi Friends!

It’s probably been at least 10 years, but most likely more, when at my yearly physical, my OB/GYN asked me if I had a prolapsed bladder.  Apparently I didn’t understand the question because I answered, “I don’t know.  I don’t think so.”  She then asked me if it ever gave me problems to which I replied, “Only when I run.”  She then proceeded with my exam at which time she assured me that I did indeed have a prolapsed bladder.  Lucky me!  Continue reading “The Tale of My Happy Bladder!…& a recipe for ‘PB&H Bites’.”

“There is hope in healing!…& a recipe for ‘Berry Freezer Jam’.”

♥Hi Friends!

“There is hope in HEALING.”  One day, not too long ago, as I was out laying on my grass doing the sun/earth hippie thing, those words popped in to my mind.  And I’m pretty sure I know where they came from.  (Thanks Father!)  So I got up, ran in to the house, and started typing some thoughts on my computer. Continue reading “There is hope in healing!…& a recipe for ‘Berry Freezer Jam’.”