Category Archives: Recipes

“Happy Hydrating…& a recipe for ‘Food For Your Face: Moisturizing’.”

♥Hi Friends!

Guess what I use for my moisturizer now, and what many of the organic, green (and might I add expensive) skin care lines use?  OIL!  OIL, OIL, OIL!  And do you want to know something else?  It’s not the scary monster we’ve come to think of it as.  It’s actually quite HEALING.  And it makes skin happy! Continue reading “Happy Hydrating…& a recipe for ‘Food For Your Face: Moisturizing’.”

“How about acid balance!?…& a recipe for ‘Food For Your Face: Toning’.”

♥Hi Friends!

Let’s start with a quick little lesson on pH.  In words I can wrap my brain around, pH is the measurement of how acidic or alkaline something is, using a scale with 14 being more alkaline and 0 more acidic.  While our blood is healthier at a more neutral measurement, around 7, our skin prefers a slightly more acid balance, around 5.5.  It’s made that way to help protect it from germs, viruses and the environment. Continue reading “How about acid balance!?…& a recipe for ‘Food For Your Face: Toning’.”

“You gotta love Pooh Bear!…& a recipe for ‘Food For Your Face: Cleansing’.”

♥Hi Friends,

Let’s start with a little thought from one of my favorite literary and cinematic characters, the infamous Pooh Bear.  “Well,” said Pooh, “what I like best — ” and then he had to stop and think.  Because although Eating Honey was a very good thing to do, there was a moment just before you began to eat it which was better than when you were, but he didn’t know what it was called.”–(Winnie the Pooh, The House at Pooh Corner.)  Continue reading “You gotta love Pooh Bear!…& a recipe for ‘Food For Your Face: Cleansing’.”

“Food For Your Face…& a recipe for ‘Pretty Pink Smoothie’.”

♥Hi Friends!

“We are surrounded by environmental toxins.  Substances that may cause distress or disease to our bodies can be found in everything that we eat, in everything that we drink and even in the air we breathe…Our bodies have a variety of mechanisms for dealing with this toxicity, but the current total load exceeds the body’s ability to adapt.  When our bodies fail to break down or remove these toxins, the only other way to deal with them is through sequestration.  The body will try to deposit these compounds into tissue to minimize their potential damage.”  A nice little lesson on toxins and how they create disease, from Continue reading “Food For Your Face…& a recipe for ‘Pretty Pink Smoothie’.”

“You are not the enemy!…& a recipe for ‘Mom’s Totally Awesome Trail Mix’.”

♥Hi Friends!

A couple of months ago a woman came and spoke to the youth in our congregation about the Adversary’s tools that he uses to make us feel worthless and forget who we are (children of God), with the sole intent to destroy us.  She related a story about her teenage son who had struggled with pornography a few years back.  Continue reading “You are not the enemy!…& a recipe for ‘Mom’s Totally Awesome Trail Mix’.”

“Satan doesn’t want us to Create…& a recipe for ‘Yummy Pasta Bake’.”

♥Hi Friends!

I’m definitely not a numbers gal.  And after about 7th grade I could not wrap my brain around math at all.  (I remember having a recurring nightmare about these numbers counting higher and higher and rushing by me and leaving me behind.  I couldn’t get in the line because they were going too fast.  Scary, huh?  I know!)  And you can forget about english and creative story writing.  There’s just not a creative bone in my body!  Or so I thought. Continue reading “Satan doesn’t want us to Create…& a recipe for ‘Yummy Pasta Bake’.”

“The science of Gratitude…& a recipe for ‘Black Bean Salsa’.”

♥Hi Friends!

My friend Ganel Lyn Condie wrote a book entitled “I Can Do Hard Things With God.”  It is an inspiring compilation of experiences from women who share their trials and how they came to find HEALING through the Atonement.  (It’s a definite “must read”.)  In chapter 4, Andrea Palmer shares her family’s financial struggle and how Gratitude helped her get through it. Continue reading “The science of Gratitude…& a recipe for ‘Black Bean Salsa’.”

“The evolution of Disease and the treatment for it…& a recipe for ‘Loaded Oatmeal’.”

♥Hi Friends!

On Jason Vale’s documentary “SUPER JUICE ME”, the almost 93 year old Charlotte Gerson of the Gerson Institute says “All chronic degenerative diseases are caused by two, and only two major problems.  Toxicity and deficiency.  We have to detoxify and flood the body with nutrients.  Once you understand the cause you got the answer for the cure.”  Continue reading “The evolution of Disease and the treatment for it…& a recipe for ‘Loaded Oatmeal’.”