“A Produce Tip…& a recipe for ‘Roasted Potato & Black Bean BBQ Bowl’.”

♥Hi Friends!

Just a quick tip to help your produce stay better longer in the fridge, and an “oh-so-yummy” new recipe to try!

Plant-based eating requires that you eat…well…lots of plants!  And those fresh plants, or veggies and fruits, will only stay fresh for so long in the refrigerator.  I ran across this little gadget called the ‘Berry Breeze’ a couple of years ago.  I don’t really remember where exactly.  Anyway, now I have two.  One for the fridge in my kitchen and one for the second fridge down in my storage room.  And why do I have 2?  Because, they really do work!  Looooooove it!  It prolongs the life of produce as it releases activated oxygen.  This neutralizes ethylene gas which is what causes our produce to spoil.  And my fridge smells so much fresher!  In fact, I can tell when I need to change the batteries in my ‘Berry Breeze’ (because I’m not keeping an eye on the little green light that went out on the front of it) when my fridge starts to smell.  Click here for their website to learn about how they work, order one, and watch a little video.  It also has a list of stores that carry them.

Berry Breeze

This one of mine is well loved!  Can you tell by the label!?!

I’m going to put together another post with a few more tips I use to help prolong the life of my produce at a later time.  But for now, I highly recommend getting a ‘Berry Breeze’!

♥Love you!


Quick and easy to put together.  Except for the potatoes.  They take about 40-50 minutes to cook, depending on how crispy you like them.  Ohhhh they are so delish, even plain, with organic ketchup!  In the Summer, try grilling them on the BBQ grill so as not to heat up your kitchen.  I pretty much love potatoes anyway they are cooked.  And with this combo of foods you get a hearty meal with all sorts of HEALING plant-based vitamins, minerals and protein!


  • black beans, rinsed and drained
  • romaine lettuce, chopped
  • cherry tomatoes
  • frozen organic corn, unthawed
  • green onions, chopped
  • shredded raw cheddar (optional)

Place everything in serving bowls.  Make your own, salad bar style.  Yum!

BBQ Bowl



  • 10 small to medium yellow potatoes, diced in to 1″ pieces
  • 1/2 cup avocado oil
  • 2 tsp garlic salt

Preheat oven to 425 degrees.  Toss ingredients together and layer on large cookie sheet.  Cook for 40-50 minutes of total cooking time.  I set the timer in 10 minute increments and stir/scape with metal spatula every 10 minutes until done.  You can cook two pans, rotating pans top to bottom (or bottom to top, whatever) every 10 minutes when stirring, and increasing cooking time by 10 minutes.


Roasted Potatoes Raw

Before cooking.  About 1″ pieces.  Not an exact science!


Roasted Potatoes Cooked

These were in about 40 minutes.



  • 1 cup ‘Organic Ville Original BBQ Sauce’ or any organic/clean BBQ sauce
  • 3/4 cup avocado oil
  • 1/4 cup agave nectar
  • 2 tsp dehydrated lemon peel (optional)

Mix all ingredients and let sit for 30 minutes.  Stir again before serving.  For a less sweet taste, and depending on how sweet the BBQ sauce is, you can omit the agave and increase avocado oil to 1 cup.  Store in fridge for up to a month.


Organic Ville BBQ Sauce

Dehydrated Lemon Peel

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