“Update on my spot cleaner…& ‘My Favorite All Purpose Cleaners’.”

♥Hi Friends!

My oldest Emily is right in the throws of those baby/toddler years.  My grandbabies are at the current moment 4, 2 and 6 months.  This brief period (although it feels like it will never end) is full of cute little hands and not so cute greasy, sticky messes.  Especially on the clothes.  In fact, I remember when my kids were little it was easier to feed them in just a diaper so that I wouldn’t have to dirty another outfit which was always sure to happen during mealtime.  (I think we moms figure that little trick out pretty quickly because my daughter does that too!)  Fast forward to my reality now, with the baby of the family at 15 years old.  Very few greasy spots make it on the front of our clothes.  My laundry issues are dirty collars and yellow, stinky, hormonal armpit stains!  So when Emily told me the other day that my ‘GRANDMA KATIE’S SPOT ROMOVER’ didn’t work, a conversation about improving its grease fighting abilities ensued.

So, when I went back to the source (inspiration from above) and asked the question “What would make my spot cleaner a better grease fighter?”, in to my mind popped “Sal Suds“.  Then I went to my previous post and changed up my recipe a bit to more fully cover a broader list of laundry stain issues.  Hopefully we’ve got the grease stains covered now, but I’m always open to feedback and suggestions.  Changing things up is what the Atonement is all about!

Along with that, I wanted to tell you about 3 of the stars from my “green-cleaning-routine” that I love!  They are as follows:

1♥ WHITE VINEGAR!  I buy it at ‘COSTCO’ in twos and use it to clean counters and sometimes windows and mirrors (if my NORWEX rags aren’t handy.  We’ll talk about those another time!)  You can use it straight or a 1:1 ratio with some water.  I love cleaning my fridge with it because I know there are no harsh chemicals getting near my food.  It’s also my go-to produce cleaner.  (Spray your berries with it, let it sit for 5 minutes, rinse, let them dry completely on a towel before you put them back in the fridge.  It kills the mold on the berries that you can’t see and they will last much longer!)  My youngest, Kjerstin, can’t stand the smell and is sure she may keel over and pass out from the fumes.  But the smell dissipates quickly and I love not worrying about spraying toxins on my counters that come from all the store-bought cleaners.  Click here and here for a couple of interesting articles about the effectiveness of using vinegar to clean your home. 

2♥ DR. BRONNER’S MAGIC SOAPS 18-in-1 PURE-CASTILLE SOAP!  You can find it at some grocery and any health food stores, or click here to order it from ‘VITACOST’.  Wow do I love this!  Use it straight or a Dr. Bronner’s and water ratio of 1:4.  It comes in all sorts of scents, but peppermint is my favorite in the kitchen and bath.  A little Dr. Bronner’s straight with a green scrubby (and maybe a little borax for really stubborn stains) cleans my white porcelain sink to shining!  (It may take a few washings if those stains have been there awhile.)  Same for the sink/tub/shower in the bathroom, with a green scrubby and grout brush of choice.  And if you’re like me, I like to wash the tub/shower right before I get in to wash myself.  You know, ‘au natural’.  So expect a little ‘bite’ with the peppermint flavor while sitting in the bottom of the tub!  But no fear because that ‘bite’ is from essential oils instead of toxic chemicals!

3♥ DR. BRONNER’S SAL SUDS!  Find it at the same places as the castile soap, and same concept and ratios, but a with a little added grease cutting power.  My Emily got me on to this one.  Good one for cleaning up grease in the kitchen. 

Toxic overload is real.  And the more I learn about the toxins we come in contact on a daily basis, many without even trying, the more I do what I can to get rid of and replace the toxins in and around my home.  Among many other issues these toxins disrupt hormones, cause allergies and nerve damage, tax our bodies ability to HEAL and function properly, and in turn create all sorts of disease.  So if you haven’t already, maybe start with these few easy products for a HEALTHIER and happyier home!

Happy, green and HEALTHY cleaning everyone!

♥Love you!


Vinegar Dr. Bronner's

4 thoughts on ““Update on my spot cleaner…& ‘My Favorite All Purpose Cleaners’.””

  1. You have so much to share with us!

    I would also like to know more about your comment to share with us on minumalness.

    Thank you for your knowledge off to the store for these three new cleaning supplies.

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